
Plug in wall vs Zoom : Soundmap

Qualitative audio cartography of the 14th arrondissement and the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris

The sound installation created by Damien Chivialle is the dynamic, physical hub of the Emergences festival and is implanted at the CIUP for further experimentation. Plug in Wall will be the medium of transmission for audio samples recorded by Damien Masson, an associate of the Zoom collective. These samples rely on the methodologies for analysing ambient sound developed by the CRESSON laboratory (Centre de recherche sur l'espace sonore et l'environnement urbain-ENSA in Grenoble).

This approach tends to insist on the qualitative dimension of the sound environment, in addition to more quantitative approaches based on the themes of noise pollution and disturbances which are developed elsewhere on the site.

On a vertical façade, Soundmap presents a constellation of audio plugs allowing visitors to connect to the Cité's sound territory.


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