
SmartCity Conference

SMARTCITY CONFERENCE | Major rendez-vous of electronic cultures and new art forms in Europe #2

"Urban activism and artistic involvement"
in partnership with CitéCulture / Cité internationale universitaire de Paris and the Next Generation Internet Foundation (FING)/Villes 2.0


TUESDAY 30 SEPTEMBER | Cité internationale universitaire de Paris (CIUP) - Salon Honnorat

Free entrance - reservation needed

SmartCity Conference

As the climax of Emergences 2008, the SmartCity conference will allow researchers, artists and industrialists to compare their views on the concept of an intelligent, politically committed and civil-minded city. On the agenda: hacking, urban activism, green guerrillas, booming, graphic commandos, teams of performers, temporary appropriation of public spaces, participative actions…


To learn more about SmartCity


9h30-11h15 Chantiers artistiques SmartCity @ la CIUP
Presentation of the workshops realised at the Cité internationale, with the anthropologist Stéphane Juguet (What time is IT) and the participating artists

11.15 am-2.00 pm Open walk around the CIUP park and Picnic

Artistic spots visits and territory exploration

2.00 pm-3.30 pm "Artists and industries" round table
What kind of interactions between the worlds of art and industry ?
with Thierry Marcou (FING / Villes 2.0), Emmanuel Mahé (Orange Labs), Stéphane Cagnot (Dédale), Streetbooming

3.30 pm-6.00 pm International artistic projects presentation
Artists and architects collectives present innovative projects
with Friluftskino / Michelle Teran [ca], mOmentoMoNUMENTO / Coloco & Exyzt [fr+bra], Sensity/Stanza [uk]

6.00 pm-6.30 pm Metamembrana project presentation | Marcel.lí Antúnez Roca [es]
Conference-show by the excentric catalan artist

This event kick-starts an upcoming series of SmartCity artistic experimentation at the CIUP and in Europe and sets the tone for these events: between political commitment and subversion.

Free entrance - reservation needed at reservations@festival-emergences.info or 01 43 66 82 52
Cité internationale universitaire - 17, Bd Jourdan - Paris 14 - RER B and T3 "Cité universitaire"


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