Ircam (room Igor Strasvinsky) | 29 sept. | 2.30 pm > 5.30 pm | Free
>>Conference “Nouveaux formats, nouveaux territoires de l’art”
The conference is a partnership between the Festival Emergences in Paris and the Nuits Electroniques de l'Ososphère in Strasbourg. Simultaneously set in Paris and Strasbourg, the conference will help tackling questions related to network performances and urban artistic actions: more particularly the concept of “new” creation and broadcasting “formats” enabled by mobile and wireless technologies (WIFI, distance captors and interaction systems, cell phones, GPS, etc.) and the notion of “new territories” — real ones in public spaces and virtual ones on the Web.

Art and mobile phones - Mobil’art :

Using SMS, MMS, the Bluetooth technology, or else, it is now possible to divert a cell phone from its prime purpose and use for an artistic one. As mobiles offer more and more impressive possibilities they are yet seldom used in terms of artistic creation. How can mobile phones become media for new artistic forms and how could they fit into an already saturated market?

Networked Performance:

Networked Performance questions real time and ubiquity as well as relationships in “couples” such as man / machine, virtual / real, presence / absence, etc. It highlights the invention of new creative spaces at the borderline between real and virtual worlds, which are often qualified as “new public places”, “virtual communities”, “sociability places”, etc. Wireless technologies, GPS and art: Using new positioning media such as the GPS (Global Positioning System) or WIFI systems now enable redefining and inventing new architectural and artistic practices in the urban world with the introduction of flows, communication and mobility. Several existing — or in progress — artistic projects shall complement theoretical communications.

Mobile and Wireless Technologies and Artistic Interventions in Urban Space :

New technologies multiply as well the possibilities of artistic interventions in urban space: sensors and remote interaction systems, Bluetooth, WIFI, GPS (Global Positionning System). These technologies help to redefine and invent new artistic practices by using notions of flow, communication, mobility and interaction with urban environment. They also make up new opportunities for architecture and design.

With: Anne Roquigny, Emmanuel Mahé / France Télécom R&D, Pierre Bongiovanni / director of encore et encore (under reserve), Alban Corbier-Labasse / director of the Alliance Française of Monterrey / / Festival Medi@rte (under reserve), Thierry Coduys / La Kitchen, Stéphane Cagnot / Dédale director/ Festival Emergences, Thierry Danet / director of Artefact / Festival Ososphère

List of participants to be completed

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