Confluences | 25 sept. | 5.00 pm > 12.00 pm | Free
>>chantiers artistiques
Artists and collective art groups will show their ongoing works to the public and to professionals (interactive immersion environments, real-time digital devices, interactive design and virtual architecture, captors and distance interactive systems, net art, virtual reality applied to performing arts and performances, mobil’art, etc.) The workshops make it possible to present the projects supported by the D-Lab: Dédale’s project assistance and production pole.
Presented projects are :
Shows / performances :
Florent Trochel / Japan Corpus Fragilis [ FR ]
Video performance
Japan Corpus Fragilis is a project with a video environment for danced performances.....more
Clément Martin / L'ombre d'un doute [ FR ]
Multimedia installation
Shadow is a compagnon we most of the time ignore. Despite its faithfulness and its plurality, we had integrated it so well that we do not pay it any more attention…...more
Samuel Bianchini + Thierry Fournier / REANIMATION [ FR ]
Multimedia Show
REANIMATION is an interactive installation for the public and a dancer. On a shared stage, the first one are facing the last one: alone against all....more

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