La Kitchen + Chabalab + Eléonore Hellio - La Boîte blanche + XLRMX
Selfworld - Apparent sensory perception
>Networked installation between Paris, Strasbourg and Aix-en-Provence
>From 29 sept. to 1th oct. | Maison de la Villette | 8.00 pm 1.00 am
As part of an ecosystem that joins together humans (individuals, groups, and crowds) and their activity (architecture, networks, physiology, and fantasies), the network spreads over three festivals: Emergences (Paris), Les Nuits Electroniques de lOsosphère (Strasbourg), and Arborescence (Aix-en-Provence). Each of the three geographical spots hosts a real time polymedia environment staging stickiness, affectivity, and effectiveness.
In Aix-en-Provence, a performer equipped with a VR helmet is lying down in a yurt created by collective art group Chabalab. All his senses are stimulated by a bondage session staged by collective art group Eternal Network in Strasbourg. Thanks to a system of captors arranged over the performers body, his physiological reactions are recorded and sent to Paris where they will bring life to the Maison de la Villettes architecture. A device created by the Kitchen enables animating with sounds and visuals the front and four chapels of the building. The device is spread over the whole architectural space; it also includes spectators who significantly influence the progress of the event with their number and actions, thus becoming real partners of the event.
The outcome of the performance originates from the overall data gathered from the three festivals; it results in a hybrid video portrait, available online.