Joëlle Bitton
Passages (sous réserve)

>Networked installation between Paris and Strasbourg

>From 29 sept. to 1th oct. | Maison de la Villette | 8.00 pm – 1.00 am

Passages is an interactive installation that links people from different cities in quite an intimate manner. It offers passers-by a troubling sensory experience in which bodies overlap and which begins to form a relationship between strangers. This work is presented as part of both festivals and links spectators from Paris and Strasbourg
Joëlle Bitton is a digital artist and interaction designer; she now works in Europe after being a researcher at Media Lab Europe (Dublin), the European research partner of MIT Media Lab (Boston). Her latest projects deal with triviality, cultural identity, and the blurring of borders between intimate events and public spaces
In collaboration with Stefan Agamanolis and Céline Coutrix

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